Sunday, March 23, 2008

Thing 20 - Libraries and Social Networking

I now have a FaceBook page under Margaret Stoffers but found that not a lot of people my age also have pages. This is the best kept secret of Teens.

I joined:
Libraries Using FaceBook Pages
Librarians and FaceBook

I'd like to learn more about how to use FaceBook in the library and was intrigued by the ideas Hennepin County has on their MySpace page.

I can see where this would be a great way to communicate with family and friends.

I like the glitz and possibilities available with MySpace. It looks like you could create a lot more interesting page for Teens.

1 comment:

Lizzie D. said...

I used to have both a Myspace and Facebook page, but have to admit that I began getting irritated with being sent invitations to groups and games.
I agree that Facebook has become geared towards teens and adults who are there for fun interactions, rather than the social networking site it began as.