Sunday, March 22, 2009

Thing 29 - Goggle Tools

Search Tools - SearchWiki
I did a search for 'Best Sellers Books' and got several results which I was able to manipulate. I was then able to list in the note field, books I'd like to read so I have a list for future reference. I can see where this would be helpful because as they said in the article in the New York Times "40 percent of the searces people make on the Internet are duplicate queries they have made at least once before" but I don't like the idea that once you've manipulated the list you can't go back to a search where google ranks the sites.

I'd probably use this for queries I make on a regular basis but I'm not sure I'd use it all the time.

Productivity Tools - Sites
Since I already have a gmail account and use the google calendar I tried creating a site for the Friends of the Elk River Library to post information about their organization and collect readers advisory information. I'll need a little more instruction on layout etc but could see this as a useful tool for the Friends. You can do a lot more with this than a PBwiki.

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